We are all volunteers, but election poster stands, printing costs, etc. unfortunately cost a lot of money!
Please donate and help us to publicise Liste Gaza throughout Austria!

Voices against genocide
You are for peace and justice in Palestine.
You are for neutrality and freedom of expression in Austria.
Join in, support the Gaza List and give humanity for Palestine a voice!
Together we can make it onto
the ballot for the Austrian National Council elections 2024!
Let's get active today!
For peace, neutrality, and justice
We are the Gaza List, a political campaign running in the Austrian elections to advocate for humanity and neutrality.

70-80 %
voted in the parliamentary citizens’ initiative for an active peace policy for Gaza
of Austrians support constitutionally protected neutrality
Liste Gaza - from left to right: Irina Vana, Dalia Sarig, Isra Doghman,
Ahmad Aljobori, Marco Wanjura, Astrid Wagner, Martin Weinberger, Cinderella Aboal, Patrick Bongola (Topoke), Willi Langthaler, Bekir Tank (Photo by Wolfgang Berger)
All parties support the genocide - we stand up and say: "Never again" must apply to everyone!
Support our initiative - the only voice against Genocide!
Ceasefire now!
We call for a durable ceasefire in Gaza. Over 40,000 Palestinians, 75% of whom are women and children, have already been killed!

3x Austria voted against a permanent ceasefire in GAZA!
Let us end Austria's support for Israel's genocide in Gaza.!
Austria must live up to its role as a neutral country and advocate for negotiations and a just peace - instead of unconditionally supporting Israel!
Restore Austrian neutrality!

Respect International Law!
Austria must assert its commitment to human rights and justice with utmost awareness of its past.

Restore Freedom of Expression!
We oppose bans on opinions as well as the prohibition, defamation and criminalization of the Palestine solidarity movement in Austria! Stop the police brutality!

Let's support the genocide lawsuit!
Austria ought to join South Africa and Spain in bringing genocide charges against Israel before the International Court of Justice!
Stop the anti-Islam course in Austria!
We oppose the decades-long criminalization and stigmatization of Muslims in Austria
We demand...
the complete investigation of Operation Luxor and:
▶︎ to hold all those responsible accountable
▶︎ to compensate the more than 100 families and
▶︎ to end discrimination and stigmatization of Muslims in Austria.

We take a firm stand against anti-Semitism and all other forms of racism.
However, we reject the equation of anti-Zionism and criticism or condemnation of Israel with anti-Semitism.
We condemn Operation Luxor...
... which under the then Minister of the Interior, Nehammer, was the absolute low point of the Convervative-Green government and has caused lasting damage and trauma to over 100 Muslim families in Austria to this day.

We demand...
the termination without replacement of the University of Vienna's “Islamlandkarte” ("Islam-Map") project and the closure of the “Documentation Center for Political Islam”.

Both initiatives form the pseudo-scientific staff unit of the anti-Islam program.
Together with the Conservatives'-Greens' attempt to introduce “preventive detention”, in which opinion and conviction are to become criminal offenses, these measures are reminiscent of the dark days of Austro-Fascism.

All Islamic associations and mosques are displayed on the “Islam map”
More about this... here.
Thank you! We made it and are on over 4 million ballot!
Now we need your support to get into the Austrian parliament!
With your support we reached more than 3.000 signatures
and run in 7 out of 9 counties for parliament for the upcoming elections in Austria this September 2024

The Gaza List - Press Coverage
Our candidate, Dr. Astrid Wagner, sums up the ideas behind the Gaza List!

Die Liste Gaza setzt sich für Menschlichkeit und Neutralität ein. Eine starke Stimme für Veränderung!
Hans Müller
Voices against Genocide
For peace, neutrality and justice.
Liste Gaza.
© 2024. All rights reserved.