Why the GAZA List?

For nearly a year, Israel has been actively committing genocide against the Palestinians. However, no political party represented in the Austrian parliament has expressed its opposition to this tragedy. On the contrary, at the diplomatic level the federal government is demonstrating blatant support for Israel’s war, abetting the continuation of the massacre by outright rejection of three UN ceasefire resolutions. At the humanitarian level, Austria froze aid payments to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinians (UNRWA), taking part in the hunger embargo against Gaza. At the military level, Austria supports EU arms deliveries to Israel; by joining ‘Sky Shield’ (an air-defence alliance) Austria strengthens its military cooperation with Israel and the US as it acquires additional Israeli missiles.

For peace, neutrality and justice

The hoisting of the Israeli flag on the roof of the Austrian Federal Chancellery...

... underscores the government’s strong violation of Austria’s permanent constitutional neutrality with its callous attitude towards supporting Israeli atrocities in Gaza, in defiance of the will of the majority of Austrians. The majority insists on neutrality as a means to fostering peace, and does therefore not want to be complicit in abetting genocide. Without systematic support of Israel provided by many EU states and US weapons, money, etc., Israel could not keep carrying out its constant violations of international law with impunity.

The GAZA list empowers anyone in Austria that stands for peace, neutrality, and justice, by amplifying their voices denouncing Israel’s genocide. We witnessed how powerful the steadfast, worldwide protests on the streets have proved, in successfully exerting pressure against their governments. South Africa, was able to extricate itself from white apartheid after decades of struggle, accusing Israel of genocide before the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Many states have joined in since, even the EU member Spain. The international criminal court (ICC) called for an international arrest warrant against Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu, and decreed an immediate halt to the offensive against Rafah.

Through the activities of the GAZA list, we take a stand against attempts to defame and criminalize the solidarity and peace movement. The negative impact of one-sided and manipulative media reporting in favour of Israel is staggering; colonialism, occupation, and apartheid as the underlying causes of the conflict are diligently excluded from the framework of discussion.

A systematic effort is being undertaken by the political and media institutions to reinterpret the notion of anti-Semitism. It is no longer the persecution and oppression of Jews - something that we strongly oppose - that is officially perceived as anti-Semitism, but rather the lack of “solidarity with Israel”. This transformation of the meaning of anti-Semitism is targeting our commitment to democracy, against racism, occupation and colonialism. The anti-fascist dictum of “never again” has been perverted and turned against Palestinians. Additionally, the political and media complex has obstinately refused to call for neutrality, contrary to the time when Austrian Chancellor Kreisky achieved a contribution towards peace by recognizing the Palestinian resistance as a negotiating partner. Today, Kreisky would be denounced as an anti-Semite and put on trial for his “approval of terrorist crimes”.

Freedom of expression and assembly is being actively curtailed through the adoption of speech laws and bans on demonstrations. There is an increasing disregard for court rulings by the executive branch. Attempts are being made to prosecute Palestinian activists. Democracy, the rule of law, and indeed the very foundations of the Second Republic are in jeopardy.

The humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in Gaza before the eyes of the world is a symbol of a profoundly unjust world order.

The Palestine Solidarity movement together with the GAZA List are campaigning for more democracy, self-determination and (social) justice both globally and here in Austria. This is the only way to achieve peace.

We will not allow our voices to be silenced. In defence of fundamental social and democratic rights, we express our opposition to genocide and call for an immediate and lasting ceasefire.

Vote for the GAZA list

For peace, neutrality and justice

Unsere Vision

Wir treten bei den Wahlen in Österreich ein und sind eine Kampagne namens Liste Gaza, die für Menschlichkeit und Neutralität eintritt.



1010 Wien, Himmelpfortgasse 10